Sunday, September 7, 2014

Seventh Week of School! - Blog #9

Like always, anything that has a link (video, song, website) will be in the post. I also put asterisk notes for clarification. Here you go.

My schedule: Science, Math, Oral Expression (Day 1), Computers (Day 2), Honors Language Arts, Social Studies.


No Video Club meeting. Oops

I really don't like the guy next to me *He was lazy and kept complaining about how he had no room on the end*
Yes!, we're changing seats!
Science Fair stuff has begun!

Students now give announcements
The teacher must really like me. She is letting me correct my corrections! And she has always been EXTREMELY friendly

Honors Language Arts
Debates were AWESOME!!!
*Quick recap: we regrouped real quick, then started our arguments. After three of us had talked, their cross-examiner questioned us poorly, and then our last arguer argued, then their rebutter said some things, and then the other team started. They were doing really well, and our cross-examiner was pretty good. Then their last arguer argued, and I thought it was over. But then our rebutter just wrecked shop. He was the one who saved us from losing, because he was just FANTASTIC. (This all took place over a 30 minutes time period.)*


Video Club
If I had not come today, I would have been kicked out for being inconsistent, and so the audition video was not actually needed! So I'm in! And I need to come every Tuesday and Thursday, but I can help even more if I come other days

Some of the kids asked about my notes, and thought it was crazy (in a cool way, I think) that I blog. They asked me a ton of questions, like why would someone write more then told to
Then Mystery Girl started saying how she has trouble with tech stuff (aside from her phone) and said she could use help ; ) then looked away when I said I could help ; (

Why do we have so many fundraisers?!? and I can't ever help because I don't have money
So many notes today

We are two days ahead of the other classes
I know how to mod any iOS device (Jailbreak)

Honors Language Arts
The debates were awesome and a lot of good points were brought up (The other teams)

Social Studies
Why are kids so lazy? They always choose menu option 12 *for CNN Student News we have 24 options of what to write about and I'm the only one who doesn't choose option 12,Graffiti Notes, where we draw pictures, and when I don't choose that people are like 'Come on!'*
This is a cool video we watched: Link


Video Club
We got some good videos and interviewed some teachers

The teacher won't tell us her age

Oral Expression
Why do we have a final today?!? We're not even half way through the semester!
Final is four super easy questions and the fifth is... a five paragraph essay! : (

Forgot to pack a sandwich

Honors Language Arts
There are like 20 people on the 'Name of Shame'
I cannot express how much I am loving public school
I like Justice Brennan, because he always seems to be on the same side as I am in an argument (court cases) Link


We played bingo because it's my teachers birthday
I won and got some candy

We talked about the teacher's dogs (and about how they don't have rabies but need a rabies shots)
We have the best conversations in here

Social Studies
My notes seem to be slowly decreasing. Maybe that is because it is mostly the same thing more and more everyday. Noooooooo...
At Bosa Doughnuts if you buy four doughnuts you get twelve free, but only until the 11th
Also, next week is Spirit Week, I'll try to get pictures of my clothing if I even have the clothing needed for the day
We finally got the teacher to laugh!

And that was this week! Also, I am working on putting up the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge blog that I did this week. See you next time!

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