Yes this is still going. I don't know how I find the time, but whatever. (Also, why does only Grandpa comment? Do you others not have anything to say???) Like last time, anything that has a link (video, song, webpage) will be in the post. I also put asterisk notes for clarification. Here you go.
My schedule: Science, Math, Oral Expression (Day 1), Computers (Day 2), Honors Language Arts, and Social Studies.
I need more sleep, science is hard first thing, Language Arts wasn't
This is Election Week
Stupid speeches for presidency
First is totally fake
Second is fake too
Third is cocky, made some weird hash tag
I almost liked the forth, then I didn't like the ending
How long can the teacher extend this 'Reme your teacher' thing?
We will get donuts! I need remes of paper!
More input/output. 'sigh'
Why is everyone talking about Lucy! (Link) I'm not kidding, EVERYONE! Someone says their family (4 year old included) went to see it! Stupid R ratings...
Finally easy math!
Oral Expression
Whoops, upon investigation it was NOT Anya who asked for me, teacher says she will find out who did
Girls 'flocked' to my table
Saw Principle patrolling today, first time seeing him, standard look *I just think of Principles to look a certain way*
Honors Language Arts
Teacher used me as test subject, to prove stapler could shoot staples (One kid pointed at her and missed, not thinking it could shoot)
I am still done 5 minutes before everyone else
Test was easy, ended with 15 minutes, first done by 5-10 minutes
Very few (like four people, including me) got done
We had 40 minutes!
I just did the homework!
Social Studies
Go to JumpStreak
Why is there such a thing as a real life Spongebob Squarepants movie??? (Link) (You probably don't care)
A moment is one and a half minutes
Says we should get here by 5:30 for openhouse
It is Waffle Crush
First was okay, probably vote for her
Second was okay, but said it makes 'cents'
Third was making stupid puns
Forth was ridiculous
Got 18 out of 18 on test!
Teacher put smiley face by my answer of how I knew something, I said 'By doing Math'
I got a gold medal in the classroom! *For get 100% on something* And I'm the first one this year!
I'm starting to really like Math
I also got to the dock cam and show my warm-up
Everyone got one part of the homework wrong
Teacher is fun and messes around
Had an origami example ( for James) something about 5 cranes in 10 minutes, and 1505 in ? minutes. This kid has no life! Wait, I have no life. : (
NOOOO! Stupid typing!
Teacher played fun music while we type
For once, boys joined my table, but I want the girls back because I can't go one minute without...ARGH!
I got a Payne Jr. High pencil for voting!
Honor Language Arts
BORED! I helped the teacher with some stuff and I'm still getting bored.
No one has any courtesy, and everyone is breaking the rules, it says no public displays of affection, but people constantly clog up the hallway hugging!
Social Studies
Me and Justin are the first done and also ACED the test! WOOO!
Someone managed to rip test while writing
Librarian gave announcements, where is the Principle?
Promoted books: Maze Runner, The Giver
First was really good
Second one sucked
Third wasn't very good
Forth was good, but loud, or just inexperienced with a microphone
Oral Expression
This is getting really hard (but this is suppose to be the only hard day)
Honors Language Arts
Why is everyone singing Charlie Brown?
BTW I only know that because of a Piano Guys video (Link)
Why does the teacher always use Batman as an example?
After School
I was dumped
There is one girl who thinks I'm hilarious. Hmmm......
Stupid random seating button. : (
First was okay
Second one made stupid gum pun, 'chews' me
Third played Grenade (Link), was the girl who gave me that candy *She had given me candy that made me hyper*
Made like 6 different themed puns
Forth was weird
Fifth rapped, made Lego Movie pun (Link)
Sixth made hash tag
Seventh (Seve : )) sounded like a TV advertisement
Typing-my words per minute was 13-15 at the beginning of the school year. Now it is 35-37!!!
Honors Language Arts
Sometime this decade the pledge will probably change
Some kid called me a tattletale because I stopped someone who got pranked from getting mad at someone who didn't prank him *Confusing, right?*
First was cheesy
Second was good, played Home (Link)
Third was weird
Forth was eh
Fifth was ANNOYING
My pencil split in half, the teacher's eyes bugged out!
Teacher is like a mature teenager
Honors Language Arts
I think this is my favorite teacher, or maybe my Math teacher. Hmm....
There is week three. I'll keep them coming. I can't play video games or YouTube, but I can keep up on my blog. I noticed I have a lot of links. See you later!
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