My schedule: Science, Math, Oral Expression (Day 1), Computers (Day 2), Honors Language Arts, Social Studies.
If you take one oxygen particle out of CO2 (carbon dioxide) it will become a substance deadly humans
I don't feel safe breathing now!
Oral Expression
We had more fun with skits
My social studies teacher came to judge our skits
Oh now we're learning how to pantomime
Some guy who is sitting at the table by me said the stupidest thing
He was like 'hey you do you want to get some crack?'
'How about some weed?'
'Ok, but if you ever want some drugs just talk to me, okay?'
I men really. Why does he think I won't report him?
Plus, next week the school is wearing red to promote that we are a drug free school. Ha!
Honors Language Arts
We sang happy birthday to the teacher! She is so much fun
We are in a different room for science and social studies because of the ACTs
Social Studies
The career part of the ACTs was really easy because you just answer if you like something or not
Student of the Quarter breakfast! I get a shirt, certificate, and a recognition speech from my teachers
It was cool
I had to write some paragraphs for science, and when I go to class, the instructions said to not write them about my experiment, which is exactly what I did
So I had to rewrite four paragraphs in a super small amount of time, but I got it done because I'm awesome
Oral Expression
We did more pantomimes
Now we get to make our own to show the class
Yeah! My teacher says I'm an advanced pantomimer!
Social Studies
These ACT tests are a joke, this is an even hard!
I am doing awesome on this science fair project
So I didn't get my homework done yesterday and I rushed to finish on the bus, only to find out that we have a sub and I don't need to trade him for two days! Hfsgsgkdt"$:;$")/$;"&;@$"???'ccjn!
I just learned that Google has a bunch of fun little easter eggs Link
I was the only one who helps the sub, like always
This song always says these jokes, and they are REALLY bad
Cringefest 2014
Honors Language Arts
Why is everyone having trouble learning MLA?
And that was this week! See you next time!