Sunday, July 27, 2014

First week of school!!! - Blog #2

So the first week of school was pretty awesome. Probably the best thing that ever happened to me. I loved the bus rides every morning, the chance to make new friends, the classes, the schedule, seeing my friends, and everything else. Was there anything not to like? Just the foul language that is supposedly 'banned' but no one stops. Otherwise, this was the best week of my life. Or at least one of them. But I made new friends, I like my teachers, and I'm doing well in my classes. What more could I ask for from public school? I also wrote notes everyday (for Mom and Dad) and I decided to put them here. Anything that has a link (video, song, webpage) will be in the post. I also put notes asterisks for clarification. Here you go. (I typed them to make them legible) (This is going to be long!)

And my schedule is : Language Arts, Math, Oral Expression (Day 1), Computers (Day 2), Science, Social Studies


Someone called Storm *X-men character*
Language Arts teacher is in World Record book for largest rock band
Someone's brother play in the NFL, used to play for Giants, didn't catch who he plays for now
I have a western, hippie teacher that likes to talk *Oral Expression*
Oral Expression teaches me to be less nervous about public things (speeches) and to talk more : )
Can't mess around like in church because I'll get in trouble instead of just getting a scolding and such
A-Team *My school team* is a new team, made for 2014-15
Homework is lenient except for Math, little to no work on weekends
Bring a book
CNN Student News will be watched in Social Studies in September
One guy confused me, he made fun of me, then tried to start a polite conversation *I over dramatized*

Fill out forms, show parents; photo forms, forms, agenda 6-25
Only carry one notebook a quarter *9 weeks* (not four)
Didn't need collage-ruled notebook if no specially big handwriting
Didn't need scientific calculator, and only needed a calculator for first quarter
Flash drive needed in EVERY class
Only annoying thing, they constantly switch who you sit and work with
Science teacher a LOT like Mom
Three boys in every class with me (excepting electives) (except for one boy, Nathan) and one girl
Social Studies is history and being social, not seeing what you can do in history
We focus on USA, wars, and do modern presidents for a day or two because we're not sure of their impact in history yet

Return syllabus before or on Friday

What is Alkatraz? Did I spell that right? *Mom told me, you don't need to comment saying what it is*


Language Arts
Teacher said we are doing in-class Shakespeare play that is grossly inappropriate
I've given more information out in classes then anywhere else!
Dirty words in Taming of the Shrew, will be writing many of the pieces, said we'll like it (not Mormons!)
Holocaust survivor will be talking to us, lots of days we'll be talking about genocide
Something about Animal Farm
Tomorrow we hit grammar hard! (NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!)
Send email to 'CENSORED' *For school protection : )*, CENSORED
Kids keep swearing! Including the S-word and F-word *and the A and D and G and GD and B* *This is ridiculous*
I keep thinking swear words because of it, THEY WON"T GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! (Panic seizure attack)

No one in class likes conversion! Not even the teacher! YAY!
Teacher says we'll only do short, not long, division. (Because the teacher said she didn't think it necessary)
All teachers forgot to staple and hole punch, I should get them
Infinite Campus (Online grading program) to monitor grade
Divide Math section, one for warm-up and HW (Homework), other for in-class and tests
Keep organized by date (Oldest on top)
#notyourmaid : )
Built tower out of two marshmallows, spaghetti, tape, and string

I have Max with me!!!
NOOOOOOOO! They have us type like the 'right' way!
Weird get to know you quiz (something about scrubbing in between your toes)
Teacher has a fun, energetic personality
Tests don't change grade
Can eat snacks
Hard to fail
Finally a class that lets you sit anywhere, anytime!
Doesn't count bathroom breaks! *We have a limited amount per quarter, and you can turn it in for extra credit!*
Doesn't give homework

I'm the only one who gets to work immediately like we're supposed to
I got half on the final test! (She was checking our knowledge)


Language Arts
Started writing assignments
Only one who got 24 out of 24 on pretest!
Showed us Word Crimes (music video) *Link*

First done with test
Recognized a lot of it
Finished with 40 minutes to spare
Need to bring book (s)
Or homework, but they don't do tests then, do they?
I'm bored

Oral Expression
Need to bring BYOT *Bring Your Own Technology*, even if it's not signed
Teacher was freaking me out with dark, creepy, possessive stuff

I made two friends today
(This is for Dad) *And the rest of you, I guess* Yes, I saw a few (3) cute girls (now be quiet!)


Language Arts
Also first done. Again.
Teacher approached me about Honors
Split tab into grammar, writing, and reading

Doing another test
Have to write a paragraph for Math! I thought this was Math! Not Language Arts!

Social Studies
Kid got detention yesterday (Don't know how. I mean, come on! It's the fourth day!)
Teacher makes a lot of jokes

We started doing actual work today! Yay!
I have a missionary opportunity! *Story at bottom of notes*
I can access Infinite Campus and school computers
School is AWESOME!!!

Conversation someone had with Social Studies teacher:
Teacher: Was that my $70 book?
Student: Nooooo....
Teacher: Because if it was you owe me $80. *70 for book, 10 for shipping*
Student: Wait, me? *Playing dumb*
Teacher: Yes you.
Student: Aw, CENSORED!
'End of conversation' : )


Look up 'Say Yes', or is it 'Why you gotta be so rude?' *Found out it's 'Rude!'* *Rude!*

Language Arts
Actually, split into four sections; grammar, writing, literature, portfolio - in this order
I was singing Mulan songs this morning (don't know why) and at school I heard other kids singing it too!
End of quarter you empty your binder, do what we will with it, except portfolio
Why is everyone groaning about simple clause work?

Bring reme of copy paper, colored paper (not construction), and graph paper (1 cm x 1 cm) (not required) (only one or two of different or the same) SURPRISE PRIZE!!! (it's a competition between her classes) (lots of side notes) : )
Not first done with assignment for once
Almost stumped me, definitely hardest subject

Oral Expression
Made up names with actions (so we can remember each others names)
Homework show and tell, bring important item with me, Book of Mormon? Or maybe something gaming (to do Tuesday) needs story with it

Super easy quizzes and tests. Phew.

Social Studies
Definitely my favorite class so far
Need divider for notes (so many dividers)

Will want divider tabs for all, not card stock separators
6 bells in Drama *Oral Expression*/Computers, on 6th we leave
Someone yelled the B-word really loud, why didn't he get in trouble?
Text Messaging Glossary (has really funny text/abbreviations on it)
*Missionary opportunity: Lili said something I didn't catch, and Justin said "Watch it! There's a Mormon at the table!" (Referring to our fourth partner) And I said, "I'm a Mormon too." Then we got into a whole conversation about how Lili's first Mormon impression was a Mormon swearing. So Porter (the fourth) and I explained how there are some Mormons who choose to swear. She then said she wanted to try being a Mormon for a day to see how following all our rules was. Then we explained that they are more 'guidelines' and that we have the agency to follow or not follow them. Then we talked a little about the Cultural Celebration and I said I could show her a video of it and so now I think she's really interested! (Mom, I need a Book of Mormon!) : )*

So yeah! That was my first week. I know I put in all the unimportant notes, but I couldn't not put what I wrote, right? Either way I hope you liked it! See you in the next post!

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